Expectations & results after laser hair removal

There is some discomfort, but less painful than waxing, with help from the latest cooling technologies. The discomfort can be managed by reducing the power of the laser to make the treatment more comfortable. Although, keep in mind more treatments will be necessary with the reduction of power, but certainly a more comfortable process.
Laser affects hair at a particular growth stage, therefore not all hair will be removed in just 1 treatment. Expect 10% — 15% reduction in hair growth after each treatment of the same area.
Lasers are the most effective and efficient method for removing unwanted hair resulting in only needing around 10 treatments over a lifetime.
Please be aware that laser affects the follicle of the hair, which means treated hair needs time to fall away, usually up to 10 days. Make sure you don’t pull the hair, and let it fall out naturally. If in need of hair removal prior to 10 days, it would be ok to shave using a razor.
For anyone starting the process for the first time, schedule the first 5 treatments with 5-6 week structure. This will allow you to reduce general number of treatments and enjoy faster results. When you feel more confident, you can regulate the treatments on your own timeframe.
— Does it hurt?
— Will my skin become hairless immediately after the treatment?
— Why do I need many treatments for the same area?
— Why do I need many treatments for the same area?
— How frequent are the treatments?